Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057


1) Edinburgh Airport Testing Google Glass
Link to article in the Edinburgh Evening News:

2) Tampa International Uses Technology Trifecta to Predict Checkpoint Wait Times
Link to article in Airport Improvement:


3) Hoboken, New Jersey Uses Crowdsourced Map for Bikeshare Locations
Link to article in Government Executive:


4) Declining Traffic-Camera Revenue Threatens to Unbalance DC's Budget
Link to article in The Washington Post:


5) New Plan for Smart Road Transport in Western Australia
Link to article on PSnews:
Link to news release


6) MIT Researchers Develop Underwater Robot for Port Security
Link to UPI article:


7) Feds Loosen Rules for Deaf Truck Drivers
Link to article in The Hill:


8) Traffic Roundabouts Present Steep Learning Curves for Some Localities
Link to article in Government Executive:

9) Holy Safety, Batman! (Reaching the Young Invincibles)
Link to further information from PRR:


10) Senators Seek Oil Tanker Notice for First Responders
Link to story on KTVZ-TV:
Link to news release

11) Nebraska Will Release Oil Train Information, Governor Says
Link to article in the Lincoln Journal Star:


12) Colorado DOT to Give Extra Attention to Winter Travel on I-70 Mountain Corridor
Link to article in The Denver Post:

13) Obstructed Signs Are Accidents 'Waiting to Happen'
Link to story on KBOI-TV:


14) Shifting Gears to Save Lives in Brazil
Link to blog:


15) Bootstrapped App Delivers New York City Transit Options
Link to article in GCN:


16) South Australia Puts Real-Time Traffic on Interactive Mobile Site
Link to article in FutureGov:
Link to news release

17) Qualcomm Invests in Real-Time Traffic Information Provider Birds Eye
Link to article on Telecom Lead:


18) Europe's Major Motorbike Firms Go High-Tech to Cut Accidents
Link to article from Relaxnews:
Link to news release

19) The 'Connected Car' Driving Buyers' Choices
Link to story on CNBC:

20) Peterbilt Offers Password-Protected Trucks
Link to article in Transport Topics:
Link to news release

21) Connected Cars: Is AT&T Leaving Verizon in Its Rear-View Mirror?
Link to Reuters article:

22) Pioneer's Rearview Mirror Gives Drivers Cloud Data
Link to IDG News Service article:
Link to news release

News Releases

 -  Call for Papers – ITS World Congress 2015

Upcoming Events
Complete Streets Symposium – October 20-21 – Atlanta

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at bernie@bwcommunications.net.     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC www.bwcommunications.net

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