Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Friday, October 3, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057


1) Contact Lost with Planes One by One as FAA Fire Spread
Link to Bloomberg article:

2) United Airlines Trying to Contact Passengers from Ebola Victim's Flights
Link to article from The Wall Street Journal:

3) For Crop-Dusters, Meteorological Evaluation Towers Pose a Hidden and Growing Danger
Link to article in The New York Times:


4) New New South Wales Transport Apps in the Works
Link to article in CIO:


5) Caltrain Launches Suicide-Prevention Webpage
Link to article in the Palo Alto Weekly:
Link to news release


6) 'Singing Road' Built in New Mexico for Social Experiment TV Show
Link to story on KOAT-TV:


7) Road Safety Engineer: High-Tech Road Studs Can Help Tackle Accident Trend
Link to article in ITS International:


8) Mercedes-Benz to Test Self-Driving Cars at Former Concord Naval Weapons Station in California
Link to article from the Contra Costa Times:

9) New Car Technology May Not Lower Insurance Rates
Link to AP article:

10) Debunking MOST vs. Ethernet Debate for Automotive Data Transport
Link to blog in EE Times:

News Releases

Friday Bonus
You probably have a pretty good idea what rush hour is like for you, but how about what it's like for others around the world?

Upcoming Events
NHI Web Conference: Active Demand Management – October 22

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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