Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Friday, November 14, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057

TCN November Fundraiser

If you make a donation to support the TCN you won't get a tote bag, a coffee mug or an umbrella, however, you will my undying gratitude. Actually, there are some very nice "gifts" you can get by supporting the TCN, which I think are a much better deal. For a donation of $100 you can get an ad in an upcoming edition. You can also hire me to do a voiceover and in return you get to hear my dulcet tones on your phone, video or anyplace else you want. Please look below on how you can make a donation. Thank you!


1) Secret US Program Uses Planes to Gather Cellphone Data
Link to article from The Wall Street Journal:

2) AT&T Drops Aircraft Connectivity Plans
Link to article in Avionics Today:


3) Pedestrians on Cellphones Causing More Accidents, Injuries in Japan
Link to article in the Daily News:


4) Buys Maps.Me to Integrate Crowdsourced Maps Into App Portal
Link to article on TechCrunch:
Link to news release (in Russian)


5) Macedonia, Turkey Reach Deal to Install E-Toll Collection System on Road Corridor X
Link to Xinhua article:


6) Google Joins Fight Against Illegal Fishing
Link to AFP article:
Link to news release


7) Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology: National Transport Data Bank Coming
Link to article in the Daily Trust:

8) Opportunities for Women in Transportation
Link to interview on Transportation Radio:

9) Update from Traffic Technology Today
Link to update:


10) Alaska DOT Hones Social Media Strategy to Keep Public Informed
Link to article in the Alaska Journal of Commerce:


11) Survey: Few Drivers Harassed While Using Electronic Logging Devices
Link to article in Transport Topics:

12) Usage-Based Insurance Going Mainstream?
Link to article on Telematics Update:


13) DC Metro Unveiling Electronic Next-Generation Fare Payment System
Link to story on WJLA-TV:

14) Toronto Public Transit to Accept Tickets Via Smartphone App
Link to article on PSFK:

15) North Platte Public Transit On Board with Facebook Page
Link to article in The North Platte Telegraph:


16) Utah DOT Releases US's First Crowdsourced Road Hazard Smartphone App
Link to article in the Standard-Examiner:

17) Wisconsin's 511: A Driver Lifeline in Harsh Weather
Link to story on WEAU-TV's Hello Wisconsin:

18) Sheriff's Office Rolls Out Traffic App in Hillsborough County, Florida
Link to article in the Tampa Bay Times:


19) For Google's Self-Driving Cars, Learning to Deal with the Bizarre is Essential
Link to article in the San Jose Mercury News:

20) Hyundai's Connectivity Push Includes Apple, Android Integrations
Link to article on eMarketer:

News Releases

TCN Contributions
Checks or money orders may be mailed to:
Bernie Wagenblast
1 Aberdeen Court
Cranford, NJ USA 07016-2911
You may also donate online with a credit card via PayPal at:

Friday Bonus
There are footbridges and then there are FOOTBRIDGES!

 -  Call for Papers – Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium

Upcoming Events
Webinar: Leveraging TWIC's Identity Management Mediocrity into Better Risk Mitigation – November 19

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
To subscribe (for free) or unsubscribe, please contact me at
Become a TCN fan on Facebook and follow on Twitter @TransportComm.

Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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