Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Tuesday, November 4, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057

November Fundraiser

It probably seems like only yesterday, but it's been six months since my last fundraising effort for the TCN. There's no pressure to contribute and I even offer a variety of ways to support the TCN. Of course, there's the standard contribution. You can send a check to the address below or you can contribute via PayPal. Another way you can support the TCN is by purchasing an ad. The cost is only $100 and with that you can reach thousands with your message. Finally, the simplest way is just let others who might find the TCN helpful know about it so they can subscribe. Thank you!


1) Police: FAA No-Fly Zone Over Ferguson Not Meant to Ban Media
Link to story on CNN:

2) MIT Study Reveals Pilots Satisfied with ADS-B
Link to article in Flying:

3) FAA Updates NOTAM Format for Conflict Zones
Link to article in Air Traffic Management:

4) FAA Launches Airport Safety Video Series
Link to article in Air Traffic Management:


5) In-Car Navigator that Turns Safe Driving into a Game -- Or Better Yet, a Discount
Link to article on CNET:


6) Recently Released Publications from the US DOT's ITS Joint Program Office
Link to further information:


7) Carnival Speeds Up Wi-Fi for Cruise Ships
Link to AP article:


8) US DOT Chief Data Officer Prepares for Forthcoming 'Wave' of Digital Transportation Data
Link to article on FedScoop:

9) 'Car Talk' Co-Host Tom Magliozzi Dies at 77
Link to story on WBUR Radio:

10) Naturalistic Driving Study: Development of the Roadway Information Database
Link to report from TRB:


11) Madison, Wisconsin's Metro Transit Creates Videos with Distracted Bicyclists, Pedestrians
Link to article in the Wisconsin State Journal:
Link to news release

12) Iowa Department of Public Safety Receives National Award for I-80 Challenge
Link to article in The Des Moines Register:
Link to news release


13) Mojio Launches Plug-In Car Module that Connects the Unconnected Car
Link to article on Gigaom:


14) Anaheim, California Planners Reject ARTIC Transit Hub's Digital Billboards
Link to article in The Orange County Register:


15) Massachusetts TV Station Investigates Electronic Highway Signs
Link to story on WWLP-TV:

16) Behind the Scenes at Washington State DOT's Traffic Management Center
Link to story on KING-TV's Evening Magazine:

17) Oklahoma DOT Highway Signs to be Activated Soon in Tulsa
Link to story on KOTV-TV:

18) Motorists in Murfreesboro, Tennessee Area Need More Information About Traffic Halts
Link to editorial in The Daily News Journal:


19) Augmented Reality Helps Drivers See Around Blind Spots
Link to article in IEEE Spectrum:

20) The Drive Toward Vehicle Communications Picks Up Speed
Link to article in GCN:

21) AT&T Shows It Knows Connected Cars
Link to blog on RCR Wireless News:

News Releases

TCN Contributions
Checks or money orders may be mailed to:
Bernie Wagenblast
1 Aberdeen Court
Cranford, NJ USA 07016-2911
You may also donate online with a credit card via PayPal at:

Upcoming Events
T3 Webinar: Guidelines on Virtual Transportation Management Center Development – November 19

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
To subscribe (for free) or unsubscribe, please contact me at bernie@bwcommunications.net.
Become a TCN fan on Facebook and follow on Twitter @TransportComm.

Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at bernie@bwcommunications.net.     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC www.bwcommunications.net

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