Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Friday, December 12, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057


1) Air Traffic Control Failure Disrupts Flights Over Britain
Link to Reuters article:

2) The Pilots of Instagram: Beautiful Views from the Cockpit, Violating Rules of the Air
Link to article on Quartz:


3) New Zealand Launches First Road Risk Mapping Scheme
Link to article in ITS International:


4) ITS Australia Newsletter – December 2014
Link to newsletter:


5) US Coast Guard to Hold Meeting on Maritime Cybersecurity
Link to notice from the Federal Register:


6) Detroit Transportation Tech Incubator Created
Link to article in The Detroit News:
Link to news release


7) New Twin Cities' Area Highway Signs Prompt Praise, Scorn, Confusion
Link to story on KTSP-TV:


8) Congress Bars NHTSA from Conducting Roadside Survey
Link to article in The Detroit News:

9) Are 'Touch' Warnings the Future of Driver Safety?
Link to article in Government Technology:


10) Baidu Said to Buy Stake in Uber, Boosting App in China
Link to Bloomberg article:


11) Tech Modernizes Lviv, Ukraine's Transport, Healthcare Systems
Link to article in the Kyiv Post:

12) Edmonton Transit App Now Available for Smartphone Users
Link to article in Metro:

13) Signs of the Times: RideDC and Transit Screen's SmartWalk
Link to column in The Washington Post:

News Releases

Today in Transportation History
1914 **100th anniversary** The American Association of State Highway Officials, today's American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, was founded.

Job Postings

Friday Bonus
Every train station should have a magic piano.

Upcoming Events
Webinar: The Paradigm Shift in Auto Mobility – December 17

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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