Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057

Iteris Presents “MAP-21 Solutions: Leveraging NPMRDS for Performance Measurement” Webinar on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 11 a.m. EST

As MAP-21 increases requirements for performance measurement and reporting, having the tools to effectively analyze transportation system data is a must. With the availability of the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) from FHWA, agencies have access to Big Data for the National Highways System.

Presented by Scott Perley, Product Manager, iPerform Division of Iteris, this webinar will explain how agencies can use Iteris' leading traffic analytics solution, iPeMS®, to leverage the NPMRDS data set for performance measurement to more easily track, measure and report on the performance health of their roadway network.

Please join us on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. EST to learn more about how to maximize the value of your NPMRDS data set. Reserve your webinar seat now at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/624964329.


1) South Dakota Battles Over Business Banners at O'Hare Airport
Link to article in the Sioux Falls Business Journal:

2) Mumbai Air Traffic Control Wide Open for Terror Attack, Says Airports Authority of India
Link to DNA article:


3) French Toll Road Operator Cuts 200 Jobs Over Scrapped Tax
Link to Reuters article:


4) Russian Space Agency and Transport Ministry Sign GLONASS Agreement
Link to article in GPS World:


5) Iowa to Rollout Virtual Driver's Licenses
Link to story on Iowa Public Radio:

6) Improved Communications One of the Lessons Learned from 2013 North Texas Ice Storm
Link to article in the Star-Telegram:

7) Hedge Funds to Retailers Spy on Traffic to Get Big Data Insights
Link to Bloomberg article:

8) Man Uses Drone for Aerial Photography of Intersections
Link to story on KTRK-TV:

9) Twitter Q&As Another Way to Increase Outreach for Transportation Projects
Link to blog in Inside Business:


10) Virginia DOT Shows What Visual Data Can Do
Link to article in Government Technology:

11) New York MTA Transit Transit TV Magazine Show Airs Its Final Episode
Link to article in Mass Transit:


12) Giant Video Billboard Over Scottish Road Sparks Safety Fear
Link to article in the Edinburgh Evening News:


13) NYC Bill Would Have City Develop Its Own Taxi-Hailing App
Link to article in Government Executive:


14) Azerbaijan Citizens to be Informed of Road Closures by SMS
Link to article on News.Az:
Link to original article on Oxu.az (in Azerbaijani)


15) Here's How GM Uses Social Data to Improve Cars
Link to article in Adweek:

News Releases

 -  Call for Abstracts – Western States Rural Transportation Technology Implementers Forum
 -  Call for Papers – ITS America Annual Meeting & Exposition
 - Public Consultation – iMobility Forum Research and Innovation Roadmaps

Upcoming Events
Telematics for Usage Based Insurance – February 18-19 – London

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
To subscribe (for free) or unsubscribe, please contact me at bernie@bwcommunications.net.
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at bernie@bwcommunications.net.     

© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC www.bwcommunications.net