Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Tuesday, April 28, 2015 – ISSN 1529-1057

Iteris and lowercase productions Presents “Sharing the Value of Big Data with Interactive Web Apps” Webinar on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12 p.m. PDT

Traditionally, transportation system performance monitoring studies have been presented in printed reports and PDF documents. These static reports are not always the most effective way to communicate the large amounts of spatial and temporal data that results from big data performance monitoring. By visualizing this data as interactive charts and maps, we can create graphic representations that not only coalesce large data sets into visual patterns but present this information in a way that is easily understood by non-technical viewers. 

Please join Leon Raykin from Iteris and Daniel Reider from lowercase productions in this joint webinar to learn more about how Iteris and lowercase productions can help you fully share the value of Big Data.


1) London Airport Police to Use Surveillance Drones
Link to BBC News story:


2) Apple Wants Navigation Systems to Talk to You Like a Human Being Would
Link to article on The Verge:


3) US Ports Move Toward Truck Appointment Model
Link to article in The Journal of Commerce:

4) Mednet to Increase Efficiency in Mediterranean Ports
Link to article on ANSAmed:


5) Technology to Tame Africa's Deadly Transport Chaos
Link to BBC News story:

6) Why Technology Can't Save the Puget Sound Region's Transportation Troubles
Link to article in the Puget Sound Business Journal:

7) High-Tech Luggage Makes Traveling Easier, Smarter
Link to story on WKMG-TV:


8) Video Shows Jersey City Cop Detaining Man for Recording Traffic Stop
Link to article in The Jersey Journal:

9) Understanding Public Opinion Regarding Transit in Southeast Michigan
Link to report from the Mineta National Transit Research Consortium:


10) Seeking Answers to Getting Recalled Cars Fixed Quickly
Link to AP article:

11) Watch Out! Smartwatches Will Distract More Drivers
Link to editorial in the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin:


12) All New Jersey Transit Train and Bus Tickets Can Be Bought Through App Starting Today
Link to article in The Star-Ledger:
Link to news release

13) Preliminary Strategic Analysis of Next Generation Fare Payment Systems for Public Transportation
Link to report from the Transportation Research Board:


14) De-Congestion Britain: Smarter Solutions to Ease the Traffic Problem
Link to blog from Inrix:


15) Futurist Sees Self-Driving Cars as a Given
Link to article in Automotive News:

16) Harman Chief Sees China Leading Global Trend for Technology in Vehicles
Link to article in the South China Morning Post:

17) Audi Drives Infotainment Upgrade
Link to article in Radio World:

18) Review of the USDOT Report on Connected Vehicle Initiative Communications Systems Deployment
Link to report from the Transportation Research Board:

News Releases

 -  Survey Participants Sought – Business Models Benefiting from Vehicle and Traffic Manager Interaction – ERTICO

Upcoming Events
Webinar: Technology and Innovation in Transport: A UK Perspective – May 1

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
To subscribe (for free) or unsubscribe, please contact me at bernie@bwcommunications.net.
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast at bernie@bwcommunications.net.     

© 2015 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC www.bwcommunications.net

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