Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Monday, May 11, 2015 – ISSN 1529-1057

Eberle Design Inc. and Reno A&E to Present iCITE™ Solutions at ITS America Annual Meeting & Expo

Eberle Design Inc. and Reno A&E will feature solutions from the Intelligent Cabinet Interface for Transportation Equipment (iCITE™) suite of products at ITS America’s Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, May 31-June 3, 2015. Eberle Glance™, RAE Glance™ and the DA-100B™ Series field monitoring device, is the first system capable of accessing real-time intersection and arterial traffic data from any traffic cabinet, using real-time Internet-based communications, regardless of the controller or central ITS system. Please visit booth 417 in the exhibit hall to learn more about iCITE™ and our complete suite of traffic detection, intersection safety monitoring and access control solutions that address the critical needs of traffic engineers worldwide. (EDI will have a drawing for an Apple iPad Mini-3, (WiFi with 64 GB), during the conference, for those visiting the booth and leaving their business card).


1) Cellphones Can Be Used During Takeoff and Landing, Federal Court Rules
Link to AP article:

2) Aviation Veteran Calls for Regional Air Traffic Management Body in Gulf Region
Link to article on AviationPros:

3) A Review of the Next Generation Air Transportation System: Implications and Importance of System Architecture
Link to report from the National Academies:


4) University of Iowa Studying Safety of Pedestrians Texting and Crossing
Link to story on KCRG-TV:
Link to news release

5) Gay-Themed Traffic Lights Get Vienna Into Mood for Eurovision Song Contest
Link to Reuters article:


6) Paradise Valley, Arizona Installing License Plate Cameras in Fake Cactus
Link to story on KSAZ-TV:


7) How a French Vacation Shows We Need High-Tech Addresses
Link to blog on CNET:


8) Bill Targets Maine Turnpike Toll Evaders from Canada
Link to article from the Portland Press Herald:


9) Update from ERTICO
Link to update:


10) Naming Rights, Ads, Considered to Help Cover Transportation in Connecticut
Link to AP article:

11) Texas DMV Asks Delivery App, Burro, to Stop Operating
Link to article in the Austin American-Statesman:

12) Startup Leaders Launch 'Tech in Transit Challenge' to Help Transportation Startups Get to Market
Link to blog on CleanTechnica:


13) The App that Can Fix Sydney's Parking Problems
Link to article in The Sydney Morning Herald:


14) Washington State Gets Oil Train Reports Via Back Door
Link to article in The Columbian:
Link to news release

15) Senator Schumer: Amtrak Police Need Access to Law Enforcement Radio Frequencies
Link to story on CBS New York:


16) Airport Security Advances Clash with Privacy Issues
Link to article in The New York Times:


17) US Air Force Kills Key Space Control Program
Link to article in Aviation Week & Space Technology:

18) NASA Brings Traffic Control to Mars
Link to article on The Science Times:


19) Utah Transit Authority Credits Technology for Improved On-Time Performance
Link to article in The Salt Lake Tribune:

20) Watch New York Subway Trains Run Their Routes in Real Time
Link to article on CityLab:
Link to LiveTrainNYC

21) How Transit Agencies Are Trying to Attract Millennial Riders
Link to article in Progressive Railroading:


22) Pennsylvania Turnpike First Toll-Highway Operator to Partner with Waze
Link to story on WPMT-TV:
Link to news release

23) Lebanon Attempts to Impose Order on Its Traffic Jungle
Link to article in The National:

24) Waze's Connected Citizens Program Helps Governments and People… Well, Connect
Link to article in Fast Company:


25) Google Acknowledges 11 Accidents with Its Self-Driving Cars in California
Link to AP article:

26) Cisco, Automakers to Test 'Listen, Detect and Avoid' Protocol for Auto Safety in 5.9 GHz Band
Link to article on FierceWirelessTech:
Link to filing

News Releases

Job Posting
 -  Tolling Consultant – Traffic Technologies Inc. – Southern California

Upcoming Events
Webinar: Bridging the Gap Between Freight, Infrastructure Protection and TIM – May 28

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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© 2015 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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