Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Thursday, May 7, 2015 – ISSN 1529-1057

Wonder Why Jaguar Chose HERE?

Two simple reasons.  The first was the ‘commute mode’. This is unique in that it learns your regular route without the driver having to do anything. People generally don’t need maneuver guidance for their daily commute, but they do want to know if conditions change due to heavy traffic or road closures. HERE pops into life and offers suggestions when you actually need it.  And, the second reason was HERE’s experience with companion apps for phones and tablets. These automatically maintain the real time status of your journey and destinations inside and outside the vehicle, once again, without the driver having to do anything. Just switch it on and it’s got everything there. Learn More About Why Jaguar Chose HERE


1) Outlet Stickers a New Headache for Power-Hungry Passengers at Airports
Link to article in The New York Times:


2) German Carmakers Eyeing Nokia Here Mapping Service
Link to article in Computer Weekly:


3) An Inside Look at the OReGO Road Usage Charging Program
Link to article on TollRoadsNews:

4) GPS Data from Commercial Vehicles Could Yield Real-Time Information on Economy
Link to article in The Wall Street Journal:

5) New York Daily News Transportation Reporter Pete Donohue Joining Transit Union
Link to article on Capital:
Link to news release


6) BNSF Railway, PrecisionHawk Partnering with FAA on Testing Drones to Inspect Rail Infrastructure
Link to Reuters article:


7) Randolph and Fitchburg, Massachusetts Deploy Smart Streetlight Network-as-a-Service
Link to article in FutureStructure:


8) Will We Ever Be Able to Make Traffic Disappear?
Link to article in Smithsonian:


9) Jaguar Land Rover's Eye-Tracking Wiper
Link to article on Gizmag:

10) NHTSA Works to Prevent Cars from Being Hacked
Link to article in Consumer Reports:

In yesterday's edition the wrong link was included in story #7, Oklahoma Governor Signs Bill Making It Illegal to Text and Drive. Here is the correct link:

News Releases

Today in Transportation History
1915 **100th anniversary**
The Lusitania, a British ocean liner carrying passengers and munitions, was sunk by a German U-Boat off the coast of Ireland. Of the 1,924 people aboard, 1,119 died.

Upcoming Events
Fleet Safety Conference 2015 – May 19 – Solihull, UK

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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© 2015 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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