Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Transportation Communications Newsletter
Monday, June 1, 2015 – ISSN 1529-1057

Eberle Design Inc. to host webinar on Tuesday, June 9th, “Advanced Traffic Controller Cabinet Overview”

In case you missed our previous ATCC Overview webinar, here’s a chance to attend a repeat performance of it on Tuesday June 9th at 8 a.m. PDT/MST, 11:00 AM EDT. The Advanced Traffic Controller Cabinet is an open architecture traffic control cabinet designed to take advantage of ultra-low power LED signals, enhanced fail-safe design and diagnostics, and compact double-density size and modularity. In this repeat webinar, Eberle Design Inc. CTO Scott Evans will review the development and advanced functionality of the ATC cabinet that is being provided by several controller and cabinet manufacturers. To register kindly visit
1) Are Airports Missing a Trick By Failing to Embrace Intelligent Data?
Link to blog in Airport World:
2) European Commission President Says EU Will Challenge Germany’s Road Toll Law
Link to article on EurActiv:
Link to article in Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German)
3) Conference in Pittsburgh to Highlight Technology for Improving Traffic, Safety
Link to article in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
4) ITS America Meets in Pittsburgh This Week
Link to article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

5) Intelligent Transportation Systems Can Make Roads Safer
Link to article in The National:

6) New Australian Research Partnership to Tackle Road Innovation
Link to article in The Australian:

7) ‘Smart Traffic’ One of ‘Four Traffics’ Being Used in China
Link to article on China Economic Net:

8) News Update from ERTICO
Link to update:

9) ITS America 2015 Day 1 eNewsletter
Link to newsletter:

10) ITS America 2015 Thinking Aloud Show 1
Link to podcast:

11) IEEE ITS Podcast: In the Passenger Seat of an Autonomous Car
Link to podcast:

12) Welcome to Pittsburgh, ITS. Welcome to the Future, America
Link to USDOT's Fast Lane blog:

13) Pittsburgh Helping to Create the Next Generation of Life Saving Traffic Technology
Link to commentary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

14) Should Governments Trademark Twitter Hashtags?
Link to article in Government Technology:
15) USDOT: ‘Sensitive Security Information’ on Oil Train Cargoes Will Not Be Released
Link to article on seattlepi:
16) Amtrak Paid $2.2 Million in Dues to Group Targeting It in Court Fight
Link to article in E&E:

17) New App Designed to Improve Railroad Safety in Alberta
Link to story on CHED Radio:
18) Could Wearing a Smartwatch Behind the Wheel Land You in Hot Water?
Link to article in The Washington Post:
19) Is Malaysia’s ITIS Useful or a Waste of Money?
Link to article in The Rakyat Post:

20) US House Members Ask: Who’s Looking for Cyber Flaws in Cars?
Link to article in The Hill:

21) Google’s Head of Self-Driving Cars Talks the Promise, Challenges of the Technology
Link to article in the Pittsburgh Business Times:

22) Truck Platooning Should Boost Fuel Economy, Project Finds
Link to article in Fleet Owner:
Link to news release

23) Dashboard Roles of Google, Apple Discussed
Link to article in Radio World:
24) Pittsburgh Helping to Create the Next Generation of Life Saving Traffic Technology
Link to commentary in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

News Releases

Upcoming Events
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium – June 28-July 1 – Seoul
The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday.
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Questions, comments about the TCN?  Please write the editor, Bernie Wagenblast     
© 2015 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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