Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Transportation Communications Newsletter
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 – ISSN 1529-1057

1) FAA Outlines Concerns with Airborne Network Security
Link to article on AINonline:

2) TripAdvisor Launches Comprehensive Airport Pages
Link to story on CNN:

3) Career Spotlight: What I Do in Airport Operations
Link to article on Lifehacker:
4) Placemeter Launches in Bid to Provide Retailers, Cities with Better Data
Link to article in The Washington Post:
5) CCTV Plan ‘to Monitor the Whole of Edinburgh’
Link to article in the Edinburgh Evening News:
6) Oakland Port Installing Sensors on Nearby Streets to Measure Truck Wait Times
Link to article in The Wall Street Journal:
Link to news release

7) Combatting Maritime Cyber Security Threats
Link to commentary on MarineLink:
8) Philadelphia Hospitals Lauded for Quick, Coordinated Response to Amtrak Injuries
Link to story on WHYY Radio:
9) The Northeast Corridor’s Curviest Stretches, and Amtrak’s Plans for Safety and Speed
Link to article in The New York Times:
10) Pittsburgh Considers Removing Signs, Signals, Crosswalks in Downtown Area
Link to article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
11) Traffic Incident Management Conference Held in Philadelphia
Link to story on KYW Radio:
12) NTSB Documents Show Critical Communications Breakdown During DC Metro Smoke Condition
Link to article in The Washington Post:
Partial List of Incident-Related Communications

13) High-Tech Trap to Catch Sydney Graffiti Vandals in the Act
Link to Reuters article:

14) Xerox to Trial Universal NFC Transport Solution
Link to article in The Engineer:

15) Mobile App Based on QR Codes Gives Kenosha, Wisconsin Transit Riders Schedule Access
Link to article on QR Code Press:

16) Transit App: A Smarter Way to Navigate Your City
Link to review on BetaNews:

17) Open Transit Data in Maryland
Link to Greater Greater Washington blog:
18) Inside Ohio DOT Operations in Columbus
Link to story on WNWO-TV:

19) Smart Cities of the Future - The Desirability of Connected Cities in the 21st Century
Link to article in Intelligent Utility:
20) Ford Diving Into Autonomous-Car Horse Race
Link to article in USA Today:

News Releases
Job Posting
-  Tolling Consultant – Traffic Technologies Inc. – Southern California

Upcoming Events
Summit on All-Electronic Tolling, Managed Lanes and Interoperability - July 12-14 - Miami
The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday.
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© 2015 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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