Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday, December 1, 2023


Transportation Communications Newsletter

**25th Anniversary Year**

 Friday, December 1, 2023 - Bloomfield, New Jersey


1) How Digital Transformation Aids Airports’ Quest For Sustainability

International Airport Review contributed content


2) E-ZPass Expected To Come To Long Island’s Atlantic Beach Bridge This Month

Nassau Herald


3) Antwerp, Belgium Using Noise-Canceling Fountains To Mask Traffic Noise

Fast Company

4) Where Is Noise Pollution The Worst? Redlined Neighborhoods



5) The Importance Of Data In Urban Mobility: A Conversation CEO Of Umovity

ITS International’s In Focus video


6) Why We Don’t Need To Fear AI And Machine Learning

Traffic Technology Today commentary


7) Streamlining Road Construction With AI

Highways News


8) TSA Plans To Set Up ‘Data Mesh,’ Coordinate Efforts Through Cloud Center Of Excellence

WFED Radio

9) Feds Show Up For Trucking Against Cyber Threats

Commercial Carrier Journal


10) Robbie Williams Concert Organizers Scramble For Solution As Patrons Endure Traffic Nightmare

Australian Broadcasting Corporation news

News Releases

1) GEM Road Safety Charity Launches New Website, Invites Funding Applications

2) Howard County, Maryland Launches Online Traffic Dashboard

Friday Bonus

The TCN frequently has stories about how AI is being used in the transportation world. I thought I’d ask ChatGPT for a little help in creating this week’s Friday Bonus. I asked, “What’s funny about transportation?” Here’s the response. Some of these have nothing to do with transportation.

  • Traffic Woes: Why did the bicycle fall over?

    • Because it was two-tired!

  • Car Troubles: I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high.

    • She looked surprised.

  • Public Transportation:I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands and a steering wheel.

  • Parking Woes: Why don't scientists trust atoms?

    • Because they make up everything, even parking spaces.

  • Speed Limits: I asked the librarian if the library had any books on paranoia.

    • She whispered, "They're right behind you."

Hopefully, those using AI for more important purposes are getting better results!


The Transportation Communications Newsletter (ISSN 1529-1057) is published electronically Monday through Friday.   For a free subscription or to unsubscribe, or for comments or questions, please contact me at  

© 2023 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC  1 Aberdeen Ct., Cranford, NJ 07016

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