Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Friday, October 10, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057

Counting the Current and Future Cost of Gridlock – Learn More about the Implications

New research reveals the combined annual average cost of gridlock in Europe and the US will soar nearly 50 percent between now and 2030 to an estimated $293.1 billion – costing households on average nearly $3,000 a year.  This is the first study of its kind to forecast the projected increases in these costs in these countries and their most congested cities between 2013 and 2030.


1) Flight Attendants Fight Use of Electronics During Takeoff and Landing
Link to AP article:

2) Forget E-Tickets, Alaska Air Mulling E-Thumb for Boarding
Link to Bloomberg article:

3) Indianapolis Airport Rolls Out New Robot Employee
Link to story on WRTV-TV:

4) Ebola 'Joke' on Flight to Dominican Republic Sparks Full-Scale Alert
Link to article in The Philadelphia Inquirer:

5) JetBlue Says Woman Thrown Off Flight for Causing 'Verbal Disturbance,' Not for Tweets
Link to article in the New Hampshire Union Leader:

6) How San Francisco International Airport is Using Technology to Overhaul the Passenger Experience
Link to article on Tnooz:

7) Why Virgin America's Ex-CEO Hates Airline Websites
Link to article in Bloomberg Businessweek:


8) Goals, Communication in Sights for Western Arkansas Regional Intermodal Transportation Authority
Link to article in the Times Record:

9) Transportation Groups Create Communicators Forum in Nation’s Capital
Link to article in the AASHTO Journal:


10) Norfolk Southern Fails to Tell City of Warsaw, Indiana About Crossings Closure
Link to story on WSJV-TV:


11) Drive Safe, Score Well: App is a Driving 'Report Card'
Link to story on WBUR Radio:


12) New Jersey Lawmakers Want to Restrict Who Can See Cars' Black Box Data
Link to article on Ars Technica:


13) Buses and Trains Wrapped in Ads Pay Off Big for Minnesota's Metro Transit
Link to story on Minnesota Public Radio:


14) Tesla Unveils All-Wheel Drive Model S, 'Autopilot' Features
Link to Reuters article:

15) The Tech that Drives the New Tesla Mode S, Explained
Link to blog on Kinja:

16) Robot Gets a Driving Lesson for DARPA Challenge

News Releases

Friday Bonus
Remember Pong? Now you can play it while you wait for the light to change.

 -  Nominations Sought – 2015 Transportation Development Hall of Fame Class – American Road & Transportation Builders Association

Upcoming Events
CBTC World Congress – November 4-6 – London

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© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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