Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Transportation Communications Newsletter

Monday, October 13, 2014 – ISSN 1529-1057

Counting the Current and Future Cost of Gridlock – Learn More about the Implications

New research reveals the combined annual average cost of gridlock in Europe and the US will soar nearly 50 percent between now and 2030 to an estimated $293.1 billion – costing households on average nearly $3,000 a year.  This is the first study of its kind to forecast the projected increases in these costs in these countries and their most congested cities between 2013 and 2030.


1) FAA Reopens Fire-Damaged Air Traffic Control Facility Near Chicago
Link to article in The Hill:
Link to news release

2) Billboards Promoting California's Ontario International Airport Questioned
Link to article in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin:

3) Meet the Masterminds Behind Southwest Airlines' Clever Ads
Link to story on WFAA-TV:

4) Airlines Take Different Approaches to In-Flight Entertainment
Link to article in the Los Angeles Times:


5) Chicago Transportation Department's Red-Light Camera Oversight Slammed
Link to article in the Chicago Sun-Times:
Link to news release


6) Toll Tags on Oklahoma and Kansas Turnpikes to Become Interoperable
Link to story on KWTV-TV:
Link to news release


7) Smart Shipping Containers and Seaports
Link to blog from SAP:


8) Confederate License Plate Backers Seek High Court Help
Link to article in The Dallas Morning News:


9) California Transit Project Report's Psychedelic Cover Designed to Get People to 'Open It Up'
Link to article in the Los Angeles Times:

10) Seattle-Tacoma Port Alliance: A Grand Bargain Struck in Utter Secrecy
Link to editorial in The News Tribune:


11) Metro-North Rail-Traffic Control Staff Worked Seven Days Straight for 'Weeks on End'
Link to article in the Daily News:


12) New Zealand Transport Authority Apologizes for Poor Communications During Road Closure
Link to article in the Marlborough Express:


13) How to Apply Plaza Principles to Transit Hubs
Link to blog on Sharable:


14) Technological Solutions for Traffic in Lagos, Nigeria
Link to story on CNBC Africa:


15) Male Baby Boomers Most Likely to Drive Connected Cars, According to Nielsen Study
Link to article on Autoblog:

16) The Road to the Connected Fleet of the Future
Link to articles on Telematics Update:

News Releases

Upcoming Events
AASHTO Webinar: Development and Use of the Human Factors Guideline for Road Systems – October 31

The Transportation Communications Newsletter is published electronically Monday through Friday. 
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© 2014 Bernie Wagenblast Communications, LLC

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